Sunday, May 18, 2008

NIK Color Efex Pro

All three of these photos were done in different variations in Old Photo, in Nik Color Efex. It will show one color variation, then you click on the arrow and 5 color choices will appear. Try them all. What may not look good on one, will look good on another. Oh, how I love the options. So will your customers. If you still have Photoshop CS and are having a hard time trying to find 2.0, go to ebay. You still can purchase it there. I contacted NIK directly and they only have the upgraded version. If you have any questions with their product, they are great at answering questions and walking you through the process. Try the trial version for 30 days and see if you like it. It really is fun to see what you come up with. OH, Happy Birthday, Rach!

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